LogTemp Version history
- Version 21 Aug 2011
- xAP messages withdrawn
- Corrected Min/Max values when Fahrenheit is set
- Corrected settings for counter (DS2423) properties
- Corrected DS276x reading in Windows 7 environment
- Corrected DS2438 reading for combined sensors
(e.g. Hum+Sun) when another sensor fails
- Corrected CSV-file columns compared to header
- Setup form redesigned
- Changed FTP timer to compatible with other timers
(x times measuring interval)
- Added timer for MySQL. If used, measurements will
cached until timer event, then sent all
- Added TIMEZONE_BIAS_UTC to XML-file, difference
between UTC and Local time
- Added TemperatureGroups (three) for temperature
measurements. Each group has own graphs
- Minor adjustments
- Version 04 Oct 2009
- Added support for UV Index Meter by Hobby-Boards, also graphs
- Added own temperature correction for HIH-4010 humidity sensor
- Corrected XML settings (disabled)
- MySQL data saved with two decimals instead of one decimal
- Counter readings enhanced when reading both pages from the same chip
- Changed sensor number in xAP messages in order to have always the same number if possible
- Minor adjustments
- Version 11 May 2009
- Added own temperature correction for HIH-4000 humidity sensor
- Fixed calculation for average (H24) values
- Version 11 Apr 2009
- Service release, no new features
- Fixed Energy Counter selection visibility for DS2423 sensor
- Changed max value for pulses / kWh, was 6000 and now is 32000 pulses / kWh
- Version 05 Apr 2009
- Added Energy Consumption (kWh) Counter with DS2423 chip
- Day/week/month Energy pictures with line or bar graph
- Added DailyHTML file (daily last.htm)
- Added xAP reporting with TSC schema (http://www.xapautomation.org)
- Increased max picture size from 800x800 to 2k x 2k
- Changes to program/sensor settings will be saved right away
- Minor adjustments
- Version 20 Jan 2008
- MySQL datetime field also possible as UTC
- Added Solar + VAD sensortype for DS2438
- Added possibility to confirm program closure
- Added possibility to send 10 own FTP files
- Corrected ocassional excessive CPU load
- Minor adjustments
- Version 25 Nov 2007
- FTP dataport can be assigned via logtemp.ini file, if
computer has several simultaneous ftp programs. Define port
range as follows:
- Corrected history data reading
- Corrected event scheduling when Daylight Saving Time changes
- Expanded manual scaling for thermocouples
- Corrected MySQL saving, was stopping after first error
- File size limit now max 400 000 lines, was 100 000
- Minor adjustments
- Version 28 Jun 2007
- Support for thermocouples (E, J, K, R, S and T type) using DS2760
- Support for DS2760 internal temperature measuring
- DS2438 Vsens negative values removed
- Added 15 and 30 sec measuring intervals
- Corrected MySQL password saving
- Version 24 May 2007
- Corrected events scheduling when using Fixed times
- New correction to DS2438 Vsens negative values
- Version 14 May 2007
- Support for DS2406 switches, can be used for alarm events
- Less overhead with MySQL. Error messages also saved (SQL script)
- More definitions for last.htm, also validation can be added
- DS2423 absolute values shown in the list
- Corrected Fahrenheit virtual sensor
- Corrected month values when measuring only during some days
- Corrected DS2438 Vsens negative values
- Minor adjustments
- Version 14 Jan 2007
- Support fo MySQL™ database
- MySQL servers 3.xx/4.x/5.x supported
- No MySQL libraries (libmysql.dll) are required
- Support for DS2438 voltage measurements (VAD)
- Support for DS2405 switches, can be used for alarm
- Absolute or difference values for DS2423 counter
- Minor adjustments
- Version 02 Dec 2006
- MySQL test version, works until 31 Jan 2007.
- Measurements can be saved to MySQL™
- MySQL servers 3.xx/4.x/5.x supported
- No MySQL libraries (libmysql.dll) are required
- Minor adjustments
- Version 01 Apr 2006
- Support for DS2409 based 1-Wire hubs,
only one level
- Selection of picture time scale
- Day, Week and Month pictures saved
for all types
- Picture title optional
- FTP tranfer moved to background
- FTP BandWidth can be controlled
- Improved FTP server directory
- RSS feed from last measurements
- Method of reading of sensors changed
- DS2423 counter page can be selected
- Error list can be cleared
- Version 29 Jan 2006
- Service release, no new features
- Corrected scaling of the saved pictures
- Version 12 Dec 2005
- Service release, no new features
- Corrected size of the saved pictures
- Version 11 Dec 2005
- Service release, no new features
- Corrected scaling of the saved pictures
- Corrected DS1820 family (1820, 18S20 and 1920) negative
temperature calculations. Calculated value was 0.5° C too
- Version 04 Dec 2005
- Added support for barometer (DS2438 + MPX4115A, Bitson
model from www.hobby-boards.com)
- Added support for combined humidity and solar radiation
- Added support for DS2423 subtype: general counter,
anemometer or rain gauge. Supported anemometer is AAG's
1-Wire Wind Instrument (ver 3.0) There is no picture (yet)
generated from these values
- There is only one picture with selectable time scale for
temperatures shown. Day, week and month temperatures can be
saved at the same time
- Sensor list has units for each sensor in a separate
- Measuring events can be adjusted also to the fixed
times, i.e. 20 min interval and events at 00:00, 00:20,
00:40, 01:00 etc. Fixed times are allways based on 00:00
- Alarm email message can have sensor name and value in
message SUBJECT
- FTP password will be saved without encryption due to
several problems
- Correction to DS2438 temperature measuring for spikes
- Correction for reading big *.txt files for sensor
- Enhanced error messages for 1-Wire network problems
- Minor adjustments
- Version 12 Jul 2005
- Added support for DS2423 counters.
These can be used for Lightning Detectors etc. There is no
picture (yet) generated from these values
- Added possibility send alarm messages
via email. LogTemp sends alarm messages to SMTP Server.
Several send profiles can be defined
- Email support can be used also for
sending text messages (SMS) to mobile (GSM) phones. LogTemp
has native support for two internet based commercial SMS
Clickatell and
You need to open an account with the gateway before sending
SMS messages. More information about the prices etc. can be
found from those pages
- Improved FTP performance
- Minor adjustments
- Version 05 Jun 2005
- Service release, no new features
- Changed BINARY/ASCII identification
for FTP transfer
- Corrected activation of OK button for
settings dialog
- Version 29 May 2005
- Added support to Solar Radiation
(DS2438 + photodiode) Radiation is measured in mill volts
and shown in percent (max 250 mV). Results will be show'n in
humidity graph
- Added Dew point calculation for
humidity sensors
- Added support for temperature
measurements for DS2438 sensors.
- Sensor list will identify each sensor
with one character in the beginning of the row.
(T=Temperature, H=Humidity, S=Solar radiation)
- Subtype for each DS2438 sensor must
be defined (humidity or solar). All unknown sensors will
added to list where they can be picked via menu or via right
mouse click
- List of alarming sensor will be
show'n only when needed
- Supported (for searching) sensor
types can be selected via setup.
- Added encoding selection for XML file
- Minor adjustments
- Version 10 Apr 2005
- Corrected FTP password saving. NOTE:
Set password before
first transfer
- Added support to DS2438 + HIH 3610
based humidity sensors
- Humidity picture for day, week or
- Added last.csv and last.xml files
- Columns for csv and xml files can be
- Month and Day also using short names
for titles
- Minor adjustments
- Version 22 Aug 2004
- Added FTP Client
- Added table definitions for last.htm
- Minor changes
- Versions 2.8 - 2.9
- Beta testing with FTP Client
- Version 23 Mar 2004
- Service release, no new features
- Correction to some ini-file settings
- Version 15 Mar 2004
- Error-correction parameters for each
- Title fonts and location can be
- Correction to save manual scaling
- Correction to Alarms-list update
- More error checking to html-file save
- Minor changes
- Version 29 Feb 2004
- Alarm limits defined for sensors.
Command with parameters and/or sound file to run can be
defined for alarm
- Colours can be changed
- Scaling can be set manually
- Virtual sensors. Shows difference between two (hard) sensors
- More error checking to picture saving method
- Minor changes
- Version 18 Jan 2004
- Correction to DS18B20 and DS1822 negative temperature calculations
- History line in the week picture starts from divider
- Small layout changes
- Version 5 Jan 2004
- Correction to Week picture, one day offset after the year has changed
- Version 5 Jan 2004
- Correction to read history data when year has changed
- Version 15 Dec 2003
- Support to externally powered sensors
- Error messages can be saved
- Correction to save sensor properties, history line
- Version 02 Dec 2003
- Program localized using the external lng-language file
- Some small layout changes
- Average value (H24) calculated
- The units can be changed to Fahrenheit (normally Celsius)