LogTemp - program
Temperature shown in SysTray (+21°C)
LogTemp program can be used for viewing and saving of several
1-Wire temperature sensors measurements. The interval of the
measurements can be adjusted.
Measurements will be shown in day/week/month graphics. These
pictures can be saved automatically using defined intervals. Last
measurement values can also be saved to html-file. MySQL™ database
could also be used for saving the measurements.
LogTemp program can be localized to other languages very easily.
All program captions, messages etc. are read from the external
lng-file. Default installation installs english.lng and finnish.lng
files to the program directory. Other translations can be done by
using the english.lng as a reference file.
If you want to log temperatures with Windows native service, see
DS18x Service.
More LogTemp pictures:
LogTemp requirements
- Operating system Windows 95 / 98 / ME / NT / 2000 / XP /
Vista / 7
- Only x86 systems, although x64 with 32-bit 1-Wire
drivers has been reported to work
- MicroLAN (1-Wire) adapter connected to the computer
- TMEX drivers, i.e. TMEX runtime environment or new 1-wire
- Works only with 32-bit drivers
- Supported 1-wire sensors
1-wire sensors / chips supported by LogTemp
- DS1820 temperature sensors
- Measuring -50°C - +70°C
- Resolution 0,1°C, accuracy in practice ±0,5°C
- Better accuracy if calibration is used
- DS18B20, DS1822 and DS1920 temperature sensors
- DS2438
- Relative humidity measurements
- DS2438 + HIH-3610/4000/4010. Example
- Solar Radiation measurements
- DS2438 + photodiode. Example
- Barometer
- Voltage
- VAD measurements (0 - 10 V)
- DS2423 Counter
- Lightning and General Purpose counters
- Rain gauge
- Wind Speed
- Energy Consumption (kWh) with graphs
- No picture generated from the other values (yet)
- DS2405 and DS2406 Switch
- Alarm event can e.g. control relay board
- DS2406 has one (TO92 package) or two (TSOC package)
channels to be used and in general it's more reliable than
- DS2409
- DS2409 based hubs based are supported
- DS2760
- Temperature measurements using type E, J, K, R, S or T
- UV Index Meter
- Hobby Boards special
UV Index Meter with 1-Wire interface
- Not recommended due to serious design failures of
the meter. Poor temperature compensation and missing CRC protection. Not usable below +10°C temperatures
- Finally this item has been withdrawn from the markets by
Version history
- Version 21 Aug 2011
- xAP messages withdrawn
- Corrected Min/Max values when Fahrenheit is set
- Corrected settings for counter (DS2423) properties
- Corrected DS276x reading in Windows 7 environment
- Corrected DS2438 reading for combined sensors
(e.g. Hum+Sun) when another sensor fails
- Corrected CSV-file columns compared to header
- Setup form redesigned
- Changed FTP timer to compatible with other timers
(x times measuring interval)
- Added timer for MySQL. If used, measurements will
cached until timer event, then sent all
- Added TIMEZONE_BIAS_UTC to XML-file, difference
between UTC and Local time
- Added TemperatureGroups (three) for temperature
measurements. Each group has own graphs
- Minor adjustments
- Earlier version history see